
Resolved, 2015

   In an effort to diversify my reading, and to keep an open mind and to find new books I wouldn't otherwise read, I want to know what your favourite books are, and I want to know why you think I should read them, or if you think I should read them, or if I should at least give them a fair go. The plan is to read at least one book that someone else has suggested a month, which means twelve books I maybe wouldn't have given the time of day before, or maybe didn't realize existed.

   In order to do this, though, I clearly need your suggestions. What should I read? Be forewarned that I draw the line at Amish romance (and romance in general, actually. But those rubbish "plain romance" books especially. What is the appeal? I am genuinely baffled by the sheer number of those things). Beyond that, however, I am game for pretty much anything.

   This past year one of my resolutions was to read at least 52 books, I've achieved that and I want to add to it for 2015. And so: books other people tell me to read. If you want a frame of reference for my reading patterns, there's a list of what I read this year at the bottom of this here bloggo. 

   Also: can I get a holla if you love Pushing Daisies as much as I do.


  1. So glad you asked!

    Books I think everyone should read include:

    Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard is my fav. Second pick: An American Childhood)
    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
    Paradise Lost (good one to get on audiobook)
    Lord of the Flies
    The Brothers Karamazov
    The Grapes of Wrath (East of Eden is also good)
    A Tale of Two Cities (My favorite Dickens. Bleak House and Great Expectations are also good)
    I would also put Les Miserables in this category, but it's quite an undertaking. Still, my favourite book ever.

    Other recommendations include:

    The Things They Carried (Vietnam war memoir)
    My Name is Asher Lev
    The Poisonwood Bible

    And for the graphic novel fan:

    Blankets & Habibi

    1. I'll add these to my list! Thank you!

      You are one of many to recommend My Name is Asher Lev to me, I hadn't realized that so many people had read it and loved it. It was the first by Chaim Potok that I read.
