
River of Teeth / Sarah Gailey

River of Teeth is a hundred pages and change, which results in a four hour-ish audiobook, and my biggest takeaway from it is that I wish it was longer. Here again we have a great concept well-executed, but it is Very Rushed, and listen: I like a good twist and/or turn, but if a novella has a "but theEeEeEeEennn" moment every single scene it gets to be a BIT MUCH. And the action moved so quickly and I couldn't get a grasp on how much time was meant to be passing and I was like "I know I'm SUPPOSED to feel betrayed/shocked/happy about what these characters are doing, but I haven't had time to get attached!!!!!!!" 

A definite strength of this book is the very varied cast of characters. There's a non-binary character who is always referred to as they/them, even by people who don't like them or want them gone. No one uses gendered language as a weapon against them, and there aren't scenes where they have to explain what their pronouns are, or explain what being non-binary is, they just ARE, and it's refreshing. There's a scene in the book (mild spoiler ahead) where the crew has to decide what to do after losing the only white man on the team when there's someone expecting a white man to come and get something, and it was nice to read about a book where the world looks like the world actually looks. 

I WANTED TO LIKE THIS MORE, is what I'm saying. I'm hoping the second book is a little less break-neck and a little less "but it turns out"-y with one or two fewer Shocking Reveals. You know? Gimme them good hippos. 


  1. HUH! I am surprised that you found this so breakneck and twisty! I read it this past week, and it seemed to go along pretty nicely -- I also liked the sequel! But I now cannot discern whether you will or not!

    1. It's possible that the sudiobook experience is very different from the physical book experience!I just kept being like "how is ANOTHER things happening when something JUST happened??"
