

   If there is one thing I despise in books it is description done badly. Here I am, expecting to be reading about a spooky asylum, and you're telling me what colour of scarf one of the characters is wearing?!??! NO THANK YOU. What are these authors thinking? "Ah yes, fresh-faced youths exploring some sort of creepy building. But wait! They have changed clothes since yesterday so I must tell the reader." Please note, authors, I have an imagination and I can use it to dress the characters in your book (will wonders never cease). And if you've already (meticulously) described something (a building, someone's hair, whatever) then it's okay, you don't need to do it again.

   What I'm saying is, I started reading Asylum / Madeliene Roux and despite the chillingly creepy cover and equally creepy premise, I barely got into it before I tossed it aside with an emotion somewhere between frustration and disgust. It takes the premise in Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, namely: inserting old found photos that will give you the WILLIES as a part of the story, and makes it boring and too describe-y. And THAT is all I will say about THAT.

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