
someone help me out of this reading slump before I perish

existential doubt
   Aaaaaaagh, FRIENDS, I have barely read lately. What do you read when you're barely reading? Do you try to break out of the slump or do you just roll with it? HELP ME PLZ. Also slumping? My desire to blog. What gives. I would like to two-hand punch this slump in the chest.

   I usually turn to comics when I want to break out of a slump, but even they are failing me this time. Maybe I need to read a really long comic? Even audiobooks have been feeling like too much effort, but I am currently forcing myself to listen to Better Than Before / Gretchen Rubin, because I want Gretchen Rubin to improve my life.

   HELP ME. What are some slump-busting things I can read/do?

bring my book friends back


  1. Mostly I just sort of roll with it if I'm not reading. Or else try to read a fav book cos if I already know the story then I don't have to pay THAT much attention while reading (and distraction is usually why I'm not reading) and I mean, it's a fav so I already like the book so no disappointment.

  2. Can you do comfort reads? I like to go back and reread books I love, when I'm in a slump.

  3. Do a social media/internet fast?
    Or some sort of "I won't be on the internet after 7pm" kind of thing?
    I feel like I am reading a ton because I don't have internet at my house.

  4. Heh, I've been in the longest reading/blogging slump in my life and have no words of advice.

    Well, not true. Reading fanfiction can help jump start my desire to read. But I've found nothing that jump starts my desire to blog.

    Goodibus luckibus! <---Not really Latin

    1. me too - I can jumpstart the reading but not so much the blogging :(
      I find that doing "speed round" mini reviews relieves the pressure of writing a full-sized post, though!

  5. I've been reading like crazy but I'm in a writing slump when it comes to blogging! I always revert to reading comic books/graphic novels when I'm in a reading slump - that normally works!
