
Minithon 2018

It is back and it is smaller than ever. The Minithon! Alice is our brave leader and I am so excited to minithon. A time to read mini books and eat mini snacks for a mini amount of time. What counts as mini? Anything can be mini if you say it is. Will I say "mini" until it reaches semantic satiation and no longer holds any meaning? POSSIBLY.

Minithon means we read and snack for eight hours (from 9 am til 6 pm here in mountain time) and we talk about it. It is a joyous occasion and I love it. I won't be joining right at nine because I have a garden plant swap to attend but you can be sure I will be reading and snacking as the day goes on.

Here's what I'm reading today:
  • The Little Sister / Raymond Chandler - "little" sister? More like MINI sister. 
  • The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet / Becky Chambers - "small" angry planet? More like MINI angry planet, AM I RIGHT
  • The Martian / Andy Weir - uhhh, he had to eat only a mini amount of food every day? 
  • Get Well Soon / Jennifer Wright - what makes it mini? It's about plagues and epidemics, and viruses and bacteria are VERY SMALL. 
The first order of the day will be to purchase mini snacks for me to consume. Want miniature updates?? WATCH THIS SPACE and also watch my twitter: @olyvianne


Here is an update, which in the true spirit of the Minithon, is a couple days post-thon. It was a good day! Did a lot of snacking and tweeting, and a fair amount of reading. Here's what I read!

  • Two chapters of Get Well Soon, the chapter on the black plague was particularly good.
  • Thirteen chapters of The Martian, which is fun and goes by quickly. 
Josh joined in on the reading and got about halfway through Ninefox Gambit, and finished it yesterday. We ate mini croissants, hashbrowns, chips and salsa, and had some nice hot beverages. It was a good, quiet day. 

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