
"I live. I die. I live again."

   As you have by now guessed, I've been watching a lot of Star Wars and a lot of action! adventure! and I have no regrets. The movies from the previous post are as follows:
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (80)
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (15)
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (83)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (15)
  • Tombstone (93)
   We've all been blessed with Rey and we all love her, and I'm sure we're all pumped for whatever revenge-fueled shenanigans Captain Phasma is going to get up to in the next installments of Star Wars and I am So Stoked whenever I see more and more women filling roles that previously would have defaulted to men. Even seeing a bunch of female pilots running around in the background of The Force Awakens makes me excited. Did you know that crowd scenes in movies and TV are typically ~80% men? That is ridiculous and stupid and Star Wars is moving towards 50/50 representation and that is a beautiful thing (I've also been thinking about how Joss Whedon keeps killing dudes and adding ladies in the Avengers movies, but that is another conversation for another time).

   Speaking of more women in movies: Mad Max: Fury Road is a triumph, I will never be convinced otherwise. Of all the new movies I've seen over the past year, Fury Road takes the "most thought about and discussed" cake.  This movie is simultaneously subtle and in-your-face. On one hand you've got women shouting "WE ARE NOT THINGS" and cutting evil-looking chastity belts off with bolt cutters, on the other hand you've got women who act on their ideas, fight tooth and nail, and push through pain and difficulty while acknowledging that they sometimes need help. I've read more about Mad Max: Fury Road than I have about any other movie (unless I count the LotR movies, which I don't because wow that's an unquantifiable amount of time spent on one story) and here are two favorites.

   Hahahaaaaaa, and now: Tombstone. This movie is ridiculous and I love it in a similar way to how I love Sahara. Without Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday the whole thing would fall flat. Every time he says anything I want to repeat it out loud immediately. "I'm your huckleberry," "I've got two guns, one for each of you," "If I thought you weren't my friend, I don't think I could bear it," "I have not yet begun to defile myself." Whenever I talk about Tombstone I just start quoting Doc Holliday. Forgive me if I don't shake hands. You're a daisy if you do.


  1. I recently watched Mad Max: Fury Road again with friends who have never watched it before and I had to explain why it's actually an amazing social/environmental/economic commentary on the trajectory of our world. Some people dismiss it too easily as a "cars +guns+bros+hot chicks" movie.

    1. Mad Max is so good and so important, whenever people say things like "it's just a car-chase," I'm all "UM, EXCUSE ME??!!??1?!?!"
